Biography of the Ambassador Jean-François PACTET


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Official photographe of the Ambassador Jean-François PACTET
@Sagara Lakmal de Mel

Jean-François Pactet, born in 1970, serves as Ambassador of France to Sri Lanka and the Maldives since October 2022.

A career diplomat, Jean-François Pactet was previously Deputy Director of Culture and Education in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this position, he was in charge of developing the network of French language and cultural centers abroad and supporting French cultural and academic institutions in their international cooperations.

From 2016 to 2019, Jean-François Pactet was in charge of the Ministry’s policy regarding global health, gender equality and education, and supervised French contributions to multilateral funds in these areas.

Prior to this, Jean-François Pactet has been posted at the French Embassy to the United States in Washington (2012-2016) and at the French Permanent Representation to NATO in Brussels. He was also a Deputy Spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Online 06/06/2024

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